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What is Lighthouse?

Lighthouse allows project leaders to communicate with members of their community who hold ANY of their official tokens.

We have built it to be flexible and easy to use so that we can increase participation and cordination in the crypto native projects that we care about.

We have two apps:

  1. dApp - For project leaders
  2. Native Mobile App - For project members


  • Project leaders can create spaces, connect tokens and integrations to easily engage with their community.
  • Community members can join spaces, and easily participate in discussions.
  • Everyone is cryptographically secure and can be verified on-chain. (SOON)


Spaces are can be thought of an umbrella unit that has multiple tokens assocated with it.

Spaces are very flexible and can be used for many different use cases.

  • DAOs, can define a space and all the tokens that are associated with it.
  • NFT Artists, can define a space and all the tokens that they have created.
  • On-chain clubs, can define a space and all the tokens that are associated with it.

Currently we need a token to be associated with a space, but this we will be adding tools to allow spaces that do not have tokens to easily issued safely to their members.


Tokens are attched to a space. They are used to define which tokens are officiall associated with a space. Protecting unsuspecting members from scams.

Currently we support ERC20 and ERC721 tokens on an EVM based chains.


Integrations are used to connect your space to other services.


Snapshot is a decentralized off-chain governance client with easy to verify and hard to contest results.

However, for project leaders it can be a bit cumbersome setup and send messages across the various channels they enageg with their community.

These channels have also famously been used to scam unsuspecting members of the community.

Lightlight provides a way to connect your space to Snapshot and automatically send messages to your community ensuring that they have been endorsed, with plans to be cryptographically secure to ensure that only intended messages are sent to community members.

Currently we can notfiy members when:

  • A new proposal is created
  • A proposal is ending soon
  • A proposal has ended

Additionally, we are allowing members to vote on proposals directly in app.